The Mind Splinter - The Pathfinder

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If you haven't already read the introduction on the hompage, I strongly suggest you check it out. Before you come to any conclusions about mis-categorization, I also strongly recommend you consult the notes on categorization. If you would prefer to skip the lengthy rationale, just continue on. In brief, Pathfinder is a long term project, a reference guide on the paths humanity has taken in questioning life, existence. It's mostly a collection of links, since I'd rather not redundantly repeat information that's already out there. I've thrown up a (mostly empty) starter outline for now. If a word doesn't have a link, that means I'm still working on it. Before discussing in depth a belief system or person with which you are unfamiliar, I implore you to use the links provided or other reference to become more familiar. Please do not rely on my inadequate summaries.

The belief in a deity or deities. (See the notes on categorization for the frequent
difficulty in distinguishing between monotheist, polytheist, or non-theist.)


Baha'i Christian Jewish Muslim Sikh


Asatru Druid Hindu Jainist Shinto Vodun

(1) A belief system which does not include a deity or deities.
(2) A belief system which allows for the possiblity of the non-existence of a deity or deities.

Atheist Agnostic Buddhist Rationalist Taoist

Unclassifiable Individuals

This is a category for people who are largerly eclectic or unclassifiable.

Krishnamurti Osho

Miscellaneous Links

Cross-Sectional Reference Links
Quality sites which provide a wealth of information on a cross section of different belief systems.

Religious Tolerance
The name of the organization speaks for itself. Very well put together site. These people have clearly invested a great deal of their time into researching and contrasting a very wide variety of belief systems. There are a number of other items dealing with the fundamental problem of religious intolerance. The fact that these people get hate mail for promoting open-minds is a sad reminder of humanity's lack of humanity.

Literary Works of Sanderson Beck
A very wide-ranging site with summaries and source text of many figures from Confucius to Socrates, Jesus to Mahavira. Also a good amount of other material on topics such as world peace, education, etc. There's something for just about everyone here.

Participants' Links
Sites run by people who have dropped by the Mind Splinter discussion board. If you've dropped by the board and have a site relevant to the Mind Splinter's content, then let me know.

"Mike" on the discussion board. (Not Maiki, that's me!) He's got stuff on lucid dreaming, the Torah Codes, and other essays. There's an interesting personal periodical on the ins and outs of the inner exploratory journey. It's good to find like minded questioners of life.